Saturday, January 19, 2019

Enrolling activities

1) Asking the audience to close their eyes
Take a deep breath in and say OM while exhaling. 3 times
Outcome: Instant peace and calmness

2)Ask them to greet each other as if the other person is not important at all. They are looking for someone more important.

Now ask them to greet each other as if they are meeting their long lost friend. Warmly and cheerfully.

Outcome: Notice the difference, which one left better? Why.
In the first one there is no eye contact, no handshake or smile.
2nd one is full of energy, warm - focusing on the positive accentuate this energy.

3) Inviting two volunteers on stage. Asking the audience to find faults in one. Criticize but not too harsh. Asking them to praise and appreciate the other person.
Outcome: Then asking the volunteers how was the feeling ..1st when criticized, 2nd when appreciated.
The first one feels shrinked, unhappy. The second one feels good.
Same happens with our kids, when we constantly find fault in them, they shrink, they think that we do not trust them in anything that they do.
Try to find the positive in kids. Accentuate the positive and not the negative. The thing that we focus on grows. So if we focus on negative, the sub conscious mind feel that, that is the way to attract attention and so perform more of that. If we focus on positive, the sub conscious mind of the child recognizes that this is good behaviour and it is appreciated for it, so it will do more of that.

4) Decluttering: Take out your mobile phone and go to the photos. Now just browse through and see how many photos are relevant. What percent of photos/videos are relevant to you...10, 20.
Outcome: you see we hoard so much stuff and gather so much clutter in our lives. It occupies space in our heart, mind, wardrobes, offices, mobile phone. We are overwhelmed with so much clutter. Lets create some space by decluttering and giving the fresh air some space to enter our lives. Add meaning to your life.

5) Inviting two volunteers, asking one to say sorry to the other because of some wrong that they had done. The other says its ok.
Next ask the first person to thank..

6) Functional Fixedness: Draw a scenery

7) Close your eyes, take a deep breath and identify why you are here.

8) What is in your heart will be reflected in your audiences heart. If you feel you know it all, they will feel the same. If you feel that you want to explore and take the journey, they will feel the same.

9) Missing Opportunity
100 Rs activity

10) Living somene elses life
Shoes activity

11) Free flight ticket!
Condition - Dont put the destination!

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